Emm bisa liat deh di chat gua ada yang ngomong sesuatu, gua kirain itu dia nulis dengan sepenuh hati perasaan jiwa dan raga, ternyata pas gua buka link account chat nya ternyata itu hanyalah sebuah webstore. TEGA! Padahal gua udah seneng seneng ada yang mengunjung blog gua dan meninggalkan Chat nun di sana..
Well, gua pengen punya blog keren hemm, gua harus jadi blogger proffesional, HAHAHA *evil laughs. Lets start a new life. Oke, kata kata gua udah kayak penganten baru.
it may just in my dream (lebay). Gua berusaha nabung buat hal itu dengan uang gua yang pas pasan. BANZAI! Tapi gua bertanya tanya pada rumput yang bergoyang langit kelam hitam bintang berkelip indah bagaikan permata di hidung (itu upil dan seinget gua upil gak berkilau. eh bisa aja, please stop it) AAAA! Gua jujur gak bisa menahan godaan buat jajan, apalagi gua suka lupa bawa bekel kue ckckck. Tapi, dengan semangat kemerdekaan tinggi, gua bisa melewati semua yang ada dengan mulus, semulus kulit kambing (emang mulus? gak pernah ngeraba sih, ups bohong!)
Ah damn, titik dua, tanda kutip di keyboard gua rusak. Udah lama sih. I need a new laptop. Tapi ga bakal dibeliin. Mari bersyukur dengan apa yang telah ada
Kamis, 25 November 2010
About Alay
How is it going? Well?
jadi gini yah, gua baru liat post gua yang lama lama. Emm agak aneh aja liatnya. Dan setelah gua mengamati dari sudut pandang yang berbeda-beda, orang pertama sampai orang ketiga gue pun menyimpulkan hasil penelitian gue dibawah ini.
I Proudly present you..
Gua menarik garis bawah disini. Gua gak menghujat anak alay. Karena, setiap anak punya fase alay. Mungkin pas jaman kita alay, mereka gak alay. Dan pas kita udah gak alay lagi, mereka baru mengalami fase alay. Gua pun pernah :) Oh iya, gua juga mengakui bahwa pada bahasa alay ada sisi positifnya. Kita jadi lebih kreatif karena harus menggunakan angka dan huruf. gak percaya? oke mari kita simak percobaan dibawah ini
kata kata biasa
kok gua imut banget ya?
kata kata alay
k0q W !mUDh nG3tzZ y?
Nah, bisa liat kan bedanya? lebih menggunakan banyak variasi, dan tergantung kreatifitas kalian. Emm angka atau huruf yang mirip bisa dijadiin angka atau huruf lain. Simbol juga bisa hehe. sebenernya emang panjangan pakai kata biasa sih. tapi hasilnya lebih minimalis. kalo kata alay, lebih pendek, tapi nggak berarti simpel. liat aja, lu harus mikir dulu itu bacaannya apa baru lu ngerti maksud dari kalimat tersebut
Keuntungan bahasa alay lainnya jika sudah lebih berkecimpung dalam dunia ini
Lu bisa ngerti kata kata unik sekalipun dalam 1 kata terdiri beberapa angka bahkan simbol! Keren bukan! Tentu saja
mungkin sampai disini saja hasil penelitian gua
hoaaaahmm, mata mulai merapatkan barisan dan air mata mulai mengalir (gara gara nguap). Gua tidur dulu ya kawaaan, bye all! Oyasumi
*p.s mungkin tidur gua gak bakal nyenyak, tetangga gua nikahan dan dangdut nya hujubuneng membahana ke penjuru komplek, gimana gua yang depan rumahnya? sungguh mengenaskan. wish me luck
How is it going? Well?
jadi gini yah, gua baru liat post gua yang lama lama. Emm agak aneh aja liatnya. Dan setelah gua mengamati dari sudut pandang yang berbeda-beda, orang pertama sampai orang ketiga gue pun menyimpulkan hasil penelitian gue dibawah ini.
I Proudly present you..
Gua menarik garis bawah disini. Gua gak menghujat anak alay. Karena, setiap anak punya fase alay. Mungkin pas jaman kita alay, mereka gak alay. Dan pas kita udah gak alay lagi, mereka baru mengalami fase alay. Gua pun pernah :) Oh iya, gua juga mengakui bahwa pada bahasa alay ada sisi positifnya. Kita jadi lebih kreatif karena harus menggunakan angka dan huruf. gak percaya? oke mari kita simak percobaan dibawah ini
kata kata biasa
kok gua imut banget ya?
kata kata alay
k0q W !mUDh nG3tzZ y?
Nah, bisa liat kan bedanya? lebih menggunakan banyak variasi, dan tergantung kreatifitas kalian. Emm angka atau huruf yang mirip bisa dijadiin angka atau huruf lain. Simbol juga bisa hehe. sebenernya emang panjangan pakai kata biasa sih. tapi hasilnya lebih minimalis. kalo kata alay, lebih pendek, tapi nggak berarti simpel. liat aja, lu harus mikir dulu itu bacaannya apa baru lu ngerti maksud dari kalimat tersebut
Keuntungan bahasa alay lainnya jika sudah lebih berkecimpung dalam dunia ini
Lu bisa ngerti kata kata unik sekalipun dalam 1 kata terdiri beberapa angka bahkan simbol! Keren bukan! Tentu saja
mungkin sampai disini saja hasil penelitian gua
hoaaaahmm, mata mulai merapatkan barisan dan air mata mulai mengalir (gara gara nguap). Gua tidur dulu ya kawaaan, bye all! Oyasumi
*p.s mungkin tidur gua gak bakal nyenyak, tetangga gua nikahan dan dangdut nya hujubuneng membahana ke penjuru komplek, gimana gua yang depan rumahnya? sungguh mengenaskan. wish me luck
Selasa, 16 November 2010
oke, gua lagi bete, dari pada gua menyalurkan ke hal yang negatif, mending gua tulis aja hehe
gua baru aja ngeliat sesuatu berupa tulisan gua sama beberapa orang. dan gua nyimpulin. gua itu orang nya bener bener nyebelin dan ngebetein. tapi gua emang ga suka cara mereka ngomong yang asal ceplas ceplos. meskipun gua tau tanggepan gua ke mereka itu nyebelin hahaa. dan gua jadi inget sesuatu di masa lalu yang gua benci. gua bakal buang ingatan itu kalo bisa
gua baru aja ngeliat sesuatu berupa tulisan gua sama beberapa orang. dan gua nyimpulin. gua itu orang nya bener bener nyebelin dan ngebetein. tapi gua emang ga suka cara mereka ngomong yang asal ceplas ceplos. meskipun gua tau tanggepan gua ke mereka itu nyebelin hahaa. dan gua jadi inget sesuatu di masa lalu yang gua benci. gua bakal buang ingatan itu kalo bisa
the reasons why i love you
i love the way you love me
i love the way you speak to me
i love the way you write something to me
i love the way you laugh
i love the way you make me smile
i love the way you tell something about me
i love the way you say a word
i love the way you:
speak anything to me, i have write it in my mind
laugh, and you have make me smile
tell a word about me, it makes me fly
you make me fall in love and fly high
you make me realized theres nothing impossible in this world
that because i had you now,
i never believe you are mine now
i have many more reasons to make me
love you today more than yesterday, and tomorrow more than today
and the last thing:
youre the one and the last of my life
*n.b: eh ini gua loh yang bikin wooo hebat kaan? iya doong makasih makasih. apa? ga nyambung? peduli pan gua yang penting ini beneran apa yang gua pikirin hahaha
i love the way you speak to me
i love the way you write something to me
i love the way you laugh
i love the way you make me smile
i love the way you tell something about me
i love the way you say a word
i love the way you:
speak anything to me, i have write it in my mind
laugh, and you have make me smile
tell a word about me, it makes me fly
you make me fall in love and fly high
you make me realized theres nothing impossible in this world
that because i had you now,
i never believe you are mine now
i have many more reasons to make me
love you today more than yesterday, and tomorrow more than today
and the last thing:
youre the one and the last of my life
*n.b: eh ini gua loh yang bikin wooo hebat kaan? iya doong makasih makasih. apa? ga nyambung? peduli pan gua yang penting ini beneran apa yang gua pikirin hahaha
it's so something
gua tau post yang sebelum nya post ini, yang tentang hua yi itu membosankan b a n g e t tapi gua bahagia bisa nulis post post yang gua pengen tulis sebelumnya. kayak tentang nonfiction, hua yi dan lain lain. meskipun yang hua yi agak agak bosenin yaaah dan ga ada part yang tentang babon. hemm gua bakal post lagi yang lebih detail tentang babon, meskipun agak ga bermoral tapii ngocol aja, gua aja sampe ketawa setan. dan bakal gua kasih apa gitu biar gak njelimet liatnya, sama insiden insiden yang terjadi disana wkwk. udah lah, post selanjutnya gua mau cerita tentang pagelaran. sebenernya gua mau nulis something special *ea. tapi lagi cari ide. tambahan: gua jd pengen bikin fanfic rate m .... suspense! hahaaaa. kayaknya gua jadi pengen bikin yang sadis sadis gitu udah ada idenya sih tapi.. gak tega nulis nya -__- orang macem gua mana tega sih bikin kayak gitu *ih
ok then,
ok then,
HUA YI adventure! - day 5
Like the days before, in the morning, we did everything like ussually. Then we went to Hua Yi and Hanna wanted me to go to her class. Of course i wanted, because she was my partner in Bogor. The first subject was Hip Hop dance. We studied it in the hall. Then i went to Hanna's class in 2E1, we studied Physics. After that, we learned english and history, in the middle of Physics and History subject, we got recess. Then, we were going to Art Room, there were a Piano, Dance room, and many more. We practised for our performance tomorrow. Then, we were going to canteen to bough lunch and drinks. After that, we went to Mustafa Center. I bought CD there. After we finished shopping, we went back to Hostel. We were having dinner, took a shower and we went to entertaiment room to practised for tomorrow. Then, we were going back to our room and took a rest.
*nb- \(^o^)/
*nb (11/03/2012): dan semuanya selesaiiii gue kangen sama anak anak hua yi, sekolahnya, dan pastinya sama anak anak studex dari spensa hahahaha.
miss you all so damn much guys :)
*nb- \(^o^)/
*nb (11/03/2012): dan semuanya selesaiiii gue kangen sama anak anak hua yi, sekolahnya, dan pastinya sama anak anak studex dari spensa hahahaha.
miss you all so damn much guys :)
HUA YI adventure! - day 4
In the morning, we did everything like ussually. And then we shared our bus with Indian students and went to Hua Yi. After that me, Bambang, Tiffany, and Yonanda went to John, Aisyah, Daniel and Afikha's class. Our first subject was Biology. Then we learned about Art, we had to draw a grafitti on the paper in Art class. After that, we got recess. I tried Strawberry Milkshake. The taste was great ! i also tried chicken noodle, the taste was delicious but i thought it was less salt. After i tasted many foods in Singapore, foods there were less salt. But that was just my opinian. Ther recess was over and we were going back to our class. The subject was history. But, in the middle of learning session, we should went to Student Hub. Student Hub is a place where we can play there after the class was over. Ther was many games that we could play: 4 XBOXs, Nintendo Wii, about 10 computers which connected to internet, 4 LCD TV for XBOXs, Guitar Hero, Electric Drum games, and the other games, like scrabble. It's very cool and interesting place ! The place also used AC and carpets. So this place was very cosy and interesting. In Hua Yi, theres a day where the students could play and reading books in student hub whole day. I wish SMPN 1 will have a place like Student Hub too. On 1.30 we were going to had a city tour. So, after we were praying and we bought something to eat. We went to bus, after we had eaten all food and drinks. The bus driver wasnt friendly. Hua Yi student join us too. First, we visited Arab street, then we saw masjid Sultan and visited Malay Heritage Museum. There is many things about malay. Then, we walked on Arab street and some of my friends bought souveniers. After that, we were going to bus and went to China town. In China town, i found keychain sold $10 got 5 pack ! i very regretted it, because the price was quiet far. I bought some souveniers there. I also saw a temple there. My friends bought character figures. $10 got 10. After that we wanted to go to little india. Because the price of shoes there very cheap. But, the time not existed. So, we were going back to Hostel. And take a rest.
*nb- gak perlu
*nb- gak perlu
HUA YI adventure! - day 3
Like ussually, in the morning, we were waking up, took a bath and had a breakfast in Hostel. Then, we were going to Hua Yi with bus, our bus was shared with Indian student who joined exchange too. We were arrive the school, we were gathered to the hall to had an assembly. In the assembly, the students sang Singapore national anthem 'Majulah Singapura' and get some information. In the assembly in this day, indian students present their performance. Their perform were singing a song and dancing. After the assembly was finish. We were divided into partners. My partner in Bogor is Hanna. But now, Afikha. I was going to 2n2 (Afikha's class) with Bambang, Tiffany, and Yonanda. Bambang's partner was Daniel. Tiffany's partner was Aisyah. Yonanda's partner was John. 2n2 students were noisy, but they were very friendly ! I love that class so much. The first subject was Biology, after that, Math. Then, we had a recess. I tried nasi lemak. My stomach was full ! the rice was too much. But its delicious. We were given a card, with that card, we could get 6 free food/beverages in a day 3 for recess 3 for lunch. After that, we were going to peranakan museum. Peranakan is the mix culture in singapore. There's a lot of videos, pictures and traditional things about Singapore there. Then, we were going to Suntec City Mall. We went there to had a tour. Duck Tour is a city tour through river and land. The transportation looked like a duck, it could operated on the road and river. While we were waiting for the Ducktour. We searched for McDonalds. We asked to the information centre but its closed. Then we saw the mall map. We founded the McDonalds and theres KFC too. So, we tried to found it. But we couldnt. Then, we tried to ask to another person. On the other information center there was a man and we looked at his name tag. His name is Mr. Ridwan. He told us how to get the McDonalds. And we searched it again. We shouldnt have to go by lift but we did it. So we were going to fault direction. We were laughing on the way because we made a lot of jokes on the way. We were very happy, even, actually, we were lost. Then, we asked again to a shopkeeper, then he told the direction and we followed it. And finally, we found the MCD logo! Then we went to MCD, but, near MCD there was KFC. Some of my friends wanted to eat in KFC. So, we divided. We ordered some foods and drinks. The cashier of MCD was Indonesian. He lived in Bandung. We were talking to him. Then, we paid it. Because Vanda had student card, she got disount. When, we had got our order serve, Pancar got his Milofell down. Then, Amel laughing. A few minute later, Amel's Milo and French fries fell down. We were laughing. It was very funny ! but mr ivan, the cashier who used to live in Bandung change their milo and french fries which had fell down. They said thank you to Mr. Ivan. Then we wanted to went back to ducktour. Jovan said, '' give mr. Ivan tip i will donated 2 dollars''. I was donated 2 thousand rupiahs. And Dea donated 1 thousand rupiah. We were all laughing. But, when we left MCD, the cleaning service came to our table and wanted to give the money back to us. But we ran and we were laughing. My stomach was pain, because of it. I stopped running but still laughing. Safira said to him that the money were given for Mr. Ivan. Then we went back to Ducktour. On 6.00pm, the Ducktour started. First, the Duck rode through land, then the duck was driven on the river and we could saw the buildings in Singapore. We could take photos too. About 30 minutes later, we went back to Ducktour at Suntec City Mall. Then, we were going home and took a rest.
*nb- gausah ditulis yah
*nb- gausah ditulis yah
HUA YI adventure! - day 2
On the morning, on about 5 o'clock. We got up, took a bath & prayed. Then we were going downstairs to had a breakfast. On 8.00 am, we were going to Jurong Bird Park. There, we saw a lot kind of bird. We were going around Jurong Bird Park by a tram. It was also have a big place which covered by net and in that place there was an ecosystem of bird. We were enjoying our travel there. There was a waterfall too. But it was made by human. But it was cool, almost like the real one. Then we were going back with tram to the first station. After we arrived at the first station, we had a lunch. After that, we were going to Marina Barrage. It was a place where sea water recycled become pure water. There was an art gallery too. It was contain art things which told a message about environment. The technology used was very cool. There was a water recycle simmulator, photo taker with funny background then you can sent it with email. On the top of the building, there's a park. From the park we could see Singapore buildings, beach, sea and many more. There were many people played kite and took photos, also had a picnic. But there was very hot. So, after we took photo together, we were going back to the bus. Then, we were going to Merlion. But the Merlion was announced merlion is taking a shower. Actually it was cleaned up. It was very funny ! So, we passed Merlion and we went to Bugis street. In the front od Bugis Street, there was a shop which sold keychains $ 10 get 3 pack. In 1 pack theres 6 keychains. I think it was so cheap, so i bought many of it. Then, we were going to Orchard Road. Sherlyn told me where could i get a store where i could find japanese foods. Then, i bought Sashimi. After that, i had a walk and Sherlyn took me to an anime shop. On about 5.20pm, we gathered in front of orchard road and went to the bus, and we were going back to hostel then took a rest.
*nb: seperti post sebelumnyaaa
*nb: seperti post sebelumnyaaa
HUA YI adventure! - day 1
First day, on Sunday 2.30 am all student exchange participant gathered at Damri shelter. Then, we entered the bus. On 3.00 am the bus departed to Soekarno-Hatta Airport. On about 1 – 1.30 hours later, we had been arrive. Then, we waited in front of entering gate. After that, we entered the gate and filled something for equipment to go to Singapore, like fiscal. After all process was finished, we went to the plane. We used Lion Air to go to Singapore. Actually, the flight should be on 06.20 am but it was on 6.46 am. I was sitting with Mr Odik on 7c seat. On the flight, i just listened to the music, wrote something on my book and then, i felt sleepy, and i asleep. When, i was waking up, the plane would take off. We arrived at 9.45 am Singapore time at Changi Airport. And we were welcomed by Hua Yi hosts. We were very happy could met them again. After that, we went to our Hostel with bus. On the bus, i sat down with Hanna, my partner. She was very great ! She told me about Singapore on the way to hostel. On the way, we were given a Curry Puff. The Curry Puff was very delicious. But the flakes of the puff much fell down. I was given a card which made by Sherlyn, we had the same interest, yes, we liked anime. that was why, we were close. When we arrived the hostel, we were given an enter card to enter the hostel and used lift. We stayed in 8 floor. My room partner was Vanda. We stayed in the second room. After we put our travel bag to our room, we took a little rest in our room. On 11.00 am, we had lunch at Hostel, and then, we were going to Jurong Poing to had a walk and shopping. I was walking with Sherlyn and Anza. I was searching for CD stores. I wanted to buy some original soundtrack CDs. But every store i visited there was no CD that i wanted there. When i visited the last CD store, i found the OST CD that i wanted. Actually, i wasnt searched for that one, but i just bought that. I actually didnt know the song, and i thought the CD contain instrument song, i asked to the shop-keeper what kind of song on the CD. He said it contain vocal song, not instrument song, so i bought it. When i tried it, it was an instrument CD. The shop-keeper was false. I didnt know why he was false. Didnt he understand what i said ?, or, the information from the computer about the CD was fault. I was very upset. We had a little rush because the time had given to us wanna over. After that we were going to Singapore Zoo. Hua Yi hosts also join us. We were walking on Singapore Zoo. We were very tired, then, we took a rest in benchs near a lake. Some of us, included me, were going to Elephant show. We watched how elephant live, their daily activity. After we were watching the show, we went back to the benchs. Then, we were having a walk around the zoo. We saw simpanse family, like Monkeys, Baboons, and many more. We were laughing when we saw the Baboons were given bananas. All activities which they did were very funny. After that, we were going out the zoo, and we had dinner. Then, we followed Night Safari tour. It was cool because we went around the zoo by an opened car, and the animal cages werent fenced. I didnt know why the tigers or lions didnt attack the humans inside the opened car. After that, we were going back to the entrance and the bus took us back to the Hostel. After we were taking a shower and prayed, we took a rest and slept.
*nb: ini dari laporan perjalanan kesana yang buat sekolah gua copy paste, ntar kapan kapan gua edit hehehe, lagi males
*nb (11/03/2012): ya, dan gue pikir gue gak bakal ngedit ini. karena lu tau, ini banyak banget
*nb: ini dari laporan perjalanan kesana yang buat sekolah gua copy paste, ntar kapan kapan gua edit hehehe, lagi males
*nb (11/03/2012): ya, dan gue pikir gue gak bakal ngedit ini. karena lu tau, ini banyak banget
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